Ninth Runs Wild, featuring online graphic novels, artwork, and flash games by Kristine Synowka and Ninth Crow Studios

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September 20, 2016

Hello World. Website reconstruction is on the horizon.

July 19th, 2014

Crazy stuff is on the horizon. I graduated back in May and immediately lucked into a pretty awesome short term art opportunity.

However, before I reveal anything new, I want to close the chapter on my grad school experience. Here are some animations and images from my very successful thesis exhibition back in March, which featured a twenty foot long shark sculpture and projected environmental animations.

Thesis Show Kristine Synowka


Detail of Shark Sculpture




Title and Mural

Wall Mural Detail



My thesis exhibition also included an interactive piece called the Experience of Flight that was highly inspired by the old sega genesis games that I played in my youth. It featured music composed by Rafael Langoni Smith.

An internet version of this piece is in the works, but for now, please enjoy these images.

The Experience of Flight


The Experience of Flight Detail




Copyright 2011-14 by Kristine R. Synowka and Ninth Crow Studios. All rights reserved.