Ninth Runs Wild, featuring online graphic novels, artwork, and flash games by Kristine Synowka and Ninth Crow Studios

Wave Tyrant Archives
Flash Games

Lepus Studios

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Snow Blind by Kristine Synowka Red Labyrinth by Kristine Synowka Fields by the Sea by Kristine Synowka
Snow Blind
Red Labyrinth
Fields by the Sea


Flash Games or Flash Art?

The title flash games is a bit of a misnomer right now. What we currently have on this page are three interactive flash artworks that were created for my portfolio when I applied for graduate school this year. (If you are curious, yes indeed I got in.)

Each flash artwork represents skills and techniques I am mastering in programing, animation, and digital art.

I plan on creating flash games based off of the game engine that I wrote for Fields by the Sea, but that may be a while away. For now, please enjoy these samples of what will be to come.




Copyright 2011 by Kristine R. Synowka and Ninth Crow Studios. All rights reserved.