Ninth Runs Wild, featuring online graphic novels, artwork, and flash games by Kristine Synowka and Ninth Crow Studios

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Flash Games

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Bell Fox by Kristine Synowka Crow's Nest by Kristine Synowka Edge of Falling by Kristine Synowka Edge of Inspiration by Kristine Synowka
Bell Fox
Crow's Nest
Edge of Falling
Edge of Inspiration
Harvest Fox by Kristine Synowka Sea Flight by Kristine Synowka Silence Between Chimes by Kristine Synowka Snow Fox by Kristine Synowka
Harvest Fox
Sea Flight
Silence Between Chimes
Snow Fox
Snowshoe by Kristine Synowka      

Welcome to the Ninth Runs Wild Art Gallery!

Here you will find my official online portfolio. Although I am embarking on my first webcomic, my background is actually in fine arts - specifically printmaking. So if anyone is wondering why my graphic novel looks a bit like a Japanese woodblock print, now you have your answer.

On a more serious note, my more fine arts work serves as both inspiration and concept artwork for both my comics and flash games. I cannot stress enough how important this influence is on me - I owe the distinctiveness of my style almost entirely to my exploration in traditional materials.




Copyright 2011 by Kristine R. Synowka and Ninth Crow Studios. All rights reserved.